Another Word For EXCITED


Adjective : Excessively excited


Adjective : In eager desire, eager, astir.

Adjective : (chiefly of eyes) Wide open.

Verb : In a state of high anticipation, excitement, or interest.


Adjective : In a condition or state of stimulation.


Adjective : Extremely excited or delighted.


Adjective : Of or relating to the emotions.

Adjective : Characterised by emotion.

Adjective : Determined by emotion rather than reason.


Adjective : Angry, annoyed, bothered or worked up.

Adjective : (of a solution or substance) Violently and chaotically moving around, such as because of being shaken.


Adjective : (archaic) Insane, mentally unstable.

Adjective : In a state of panic, worry, frenzy, or rush.

Adjective : Extremely energetic.


Adjective : (medicine) Being in the state of delirium.

Adjective : Having uncontrolled excitement; ecstatic.


Adjective : (chiefly British Isles) Insane; crazy, mentally deranged.

Adjective : (chiefly US; informal in UK) Angry, annoyed.

Adjective : (chiefly in the negative, informal) Used litotically to indicate satisfaction or approval.


Adjective : Of unsound mind; insane; demented.

Adjective : Out of control.

Adjective : Very excited or enthusiastic.


Adjective : Untamed; not domesticated; specifically, in an unbroken line of undomesticated animals (as opposed to feral, referring to undomesticated animals whose ancestors were domesticated).

Adjective : From or relating to wild creatures.

Adjective : Unrestrained or uninhibited.


Adjective : Fluttering.

Adjective : Filled or covered (with something that flutters).

Adjective : In a state of tremulous excitement, anticipation or confusion.


Adjective : that reacts or responds to a stimulus

Adjective : (chemistry) that readily takes part in reactions

Adjective : (electronics) Characterized by induction or capacitance rather than resistance.


Adjective : immoderate; not restrained or held in check

Adjective : spontaneous, natural and informal; unconstrained

Adjective : Not subject to physical restraint.


Adjective : Stupefied by alcohol, drunk.

Adjective : Stupefied by any chemical substance.


Adjective : Intoxicated as a result of excessive alcohol consumption, usually by drinking alcoholic beverages.

Adjective : (derogatory) Habitually or frequently in a state of intoxication.

Adjective : (usually followed by with or on) Elated or emboldened.


Adjective : Of sinews and tendons.

Adjective : (obsolete) Full of sinews.

Adjective : (obsolete) Having strong or prominent sinews; sinewy, muscular.


Adjective : Affected by a fever; feverish.

Adjective : Heated; impassioned; enthusiastic to the point of distraction.


Adjective : of e.g. a molecule; made reactive or more reactiv

Adjective : (of sewage) treated with aeration and bacteria to aid decompositio

Adjective : set up and placed on active assignmen


Adjective : Sexually excited; randy, lustful.

Adjective : Stirred up, agitated.


Adjective : set into a usually circular motion in order to mix or blen

Adjective : emotionally arouse

stirred up

Adjective : emotionally arouse


Adjective : feeling mild pleasurable excitemen


Adjective : Full of thrills; exciting.


Adjective : feeling mild pleasurable excitemen


Adjective : (slang) Feeling excitement or an exciting rush.


Adjective : With zealous fervor; excited, motivated.

Adjective : Relating to enthusiasm, or divine possession.


Adjective : (slang) Thrilled; excited.

Adjective : (slang) Frightened.


Adjective : Lively, vigorous, animated or courageous.


Adjective : enthusiastic; keen; eager; showing great interest in something or desire to do something


Adjective : (chiefly Commonwealth) Often with a prepositional phrase, or with to and an infinitive: showing a quick and ardent responsiveness or willingness; eager, enthusiastic, interested.

Adjective : Fierce, intense, vehement.

Adjective : Having a fine edge or point; sharp.


Adjective : Desirous; keen to do or obtain something.

Adjective : (computing theory) Not employing lazy evaluation; calculating results immediately, rather than deferring calculation until they are required.

Adjective : (dated) Brittle; inflexible; not ductile.


Adjective : Very happy.

Adjective : (obsolete) Overly happy.


Adjective : Given to strong feeling, sometimes romantic, sexual, or both.

Adjective : Fired with intense feeling.

Adjective : (obsolete) Suffering; sorrowful.


Adjective : Greatly pleased.

Adjective : Filled with wonder and delight.


Noun : A feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness, especially related to the acquisition or expectation of something good.

Noun : Anything that causes such a feeling.

Noun : Luck or success; a positive outcome.


Adjective : Pleased, happy, gratified.

Adjective : (obsolete) Having a bright or cheerful appearance; expressing or exciting joy; producing gladness.

Verb : (archaic, transitive) To make glad.


Noun : (uncountable) A state of being pleased or contented; gratification.

Noun : (countable) A person, thing or action that causes enjoyment.

Noun : (uncountable) One's preference.


Adjective : Charmed, delighted, enraptured.

Adjective : Under the influence of enchantment.


Adjective : Having a feeling arising from a consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, such as comfort, peace, or tranquillity; blissful, contented, joyous.

Adjective : Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; favored by fortune or luck; fortunate, lucky, propitious.

Adjective : Content, willing, satisfied (with or to do something); having no objection (to something).


Adjective : Emotionally affected; touched.

Adjective : (obsolete) Convinced.


Adjective : happy, content


Adjective : (slang) Pumped up; excited.

Adjective : (slang, bodybuilding) Pumped up; having muscles in an engorged state following exercise.

Adjective : (not comparable) Wearing pumps (the type of shoe).


Adjective : (chiefly informal) Pleasant, satisfactory.

Adjective : (chiefly informal) Of a person: friendly, attractive.

Adjective : Respectable; virtuous.


Adjective : Satisfied, pleased, contented.

Noun : Satisfaction, contentment; pleasure.

Noun : (obsolete) Acquiescence without examination.


Adjective : Providing inspiration; encouraging; stimulating.

Noun : inspiration


Noun : The act of arousing or the state of being aroused.

Noun : Sexual arousal.

Noun : A physiological and psychological state of being awake or reactive to stimuli, including elevated heart rate and blood pressure and a condition of sensory alertness, mobility and readiness to respond.


Adjective : violently disturbed or agitated; tempestuous, tumultuous

Adjective : being in, or causing, disturbance or unrest


Adjective : Displaying or feeling anger.

Adjective : (said about a wound or a rash) Inflamed and painful.

Adjective : (figuratively, said about the elements, like the sky or the sea) Dark and stormy, menacing.


Adjective : Nervous and excited.

Adjective : Tending to jump; full of jumps.


Adjective : Restless and intolerant of delays.

Adjective : Anxious and eager, especially to begin or have something.

Adjective : (obsolete) Not to be borne; unendurable.


Adjective : Experiencing a feeling of irritation.

Adjective : (pathology) Inflamed and painful.


Adjective : Showing anger or indignation, especially at something unjust or wrong.


Adjective : Nervous, apprehensive.

Adjective : (entertainment, advertising) Creatively challenging; cutting edge; leading edge.

Adjective : (entertainment, advertising) On the edge between acceptable and offensive; pushing the boundaries of good taste; risqué.


Adjective : Nervous and worried.

Adjective : Having a feeling of anxiety or disquietude; extremely concerned, especially about something that will happen in the future or that is unknown.

Adjective : (of things) Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying.


Adjective : Having been woken up.

Adjective : Aroused; alerted; activated; enlightened.


Adjective : Troubled, irritated by something unwanted or unliked (an annoyance); vexed.


Adjective : Confused, befuddled, in a state of panic by having become overwrought with confusion.


Adjective : (of a person) Angry, distressed, or unhappy.

Adjective : (of a stomach or gastrointestinal tract, referred to as stomach) Feeling unwell, nauseated, or ready to vomit.

Noun : (uncountable) Disturbance or disruption.


Adjective : anxious, worried, careworn.


Adjective : Not allowing or affording rest.

Adjective : Without rest; unable to be still or quiet; uneasy; continually moving.

Adjective : Not satisfied to be at rest or in peace; averse to repose; eager for change; discontented.


Adjective : Having no reservations; showing unconditional and enthusiastic support.


Adjective : Increased in intensity or concentration; elevated.


Adjective : Not held firmly in position, physically unstable.

Adjective : Lacking regularity or uniformity.

Adjective : Inconstant in purpose, or volatile in behavior.


Adjective : Appreciative; thankful.

Adjective : (obsolete or archaic) Pleasing, welcome.


Adjective : Frayed at the edges.

Adjective : (colloquial) Stressed and exhausted either physically or emotionally.


Adjective : Tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate; inquisitive; (with a negative connotation) nosy, prying.

Adjective : Caused by curiosity.

Adjective : Leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual.


Adjective : (of people or animals)

Adjective : Acting in the interest of what is beneficial, ethical, or moral.

Adjective : Competent or talented.


Adjective : (temperature) Between warm and cool.

Adjective : Unenthusiastic (about a proposal or an idea).


Adjective : Emitting much light; visually dazzling; luminous, lucent, radiant.

Adjective : Of light: brilliant, intense.

Adjective : Of an object, surface, etc.: reflecting much light; having a high lustre; gleaming, shiny.


Noun : The action of the verb glow.

Adjective : That glows or glow.

Adjective : (figuratively) Full of praise.


Adjective : Relating to heat and conditions which produce it.

Adjective : (of an object) Having or giving off a high temperature.

Adjective : (of a person or animal) Feeling the sensation of heat, especially to the point of discomfort.


Adjective : Encased in a wrapping.

Adjective : Misspelling of rapt. [(not comparable, archaic) Snatched, taken away; abducted.]


Adjective : Put into a package.

Adjective : Filled with a large number or large quantity of something.

Adjective : (colloquial) Filled to capacity with people.


Adjective : Having been placed in a package.


Adjective : (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, mildly vulgar, colloquial) Drunk.

Adjective : (originally US, Canada, mildly vulgar, colloquial) Annoyed, angry.


Adjective : Of, pertaining to, or resembling the human voice or speech.

Adjective : (anatomy) Used in the production of speech sounds.

Adjective : (music) Relating to, composed or arranged for, or sung by the human voice.


Adjective : Having been placed in a bag.

Adjective : (colloquial) Having been caught or successfully hunted.


Adjective : Of, or arising from hysteria.

Adjective : Having, or prone to having hysterics.

Adjective : Provoking uncontrollable laughter.


Adjective : Radiating light and/or heat.

Adjective : Emitted as radiation.

Adjective : Beaming with vivacity and happiness.


Noun : (originally Christianity) A festival or holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ and incorporating various Christian, pre-Christian, pagan, and secular customs, which in Western Christianity is celebrated on December 25 (Christmas Day) in most places.

Noun : A number of places in the United States:

Noun : An uninhabited mining community in Gila County, Arizona.


Adjective : Equipped with wires, so as to connect to a power source or to other electric or electronic equipment; connected by wires.

Adjective : Equipped with hidden electronic eavesdropping devices.

Adjective : Reinforced, supported, tied or bound with wire.


Noun : A billy club.

Noun : A billy goat.

Noun : A male goat; a ram.


Adjective : Hard or bony, like an animal's horn.

Adjective : Having the hard consistency and pale colour of an animal's horn.

Adjective : Having horns.


Adjective : Feverish, or having a high temperature.

Adjective : (medicine) Involving fever as a symptom or cause.

Adjective : Full of nervous energy.


Noun : Alternative spelling of Said [A male given name from Arabic]


Verb : (transitive) To take control of; to seize by force or stratagem.

Verb : (transitive) To store (as in sounds or image) for later revisitation.

Verb : (transitive) To reproduce convincingly.


Adjective : having received what was desire


Verb : (transitive) To give heart to; to encourage, urge on, cheer, give confidence to.


Verb : (intransitive) To conceive or carry out a secret plan intended to harm; to form a plot or scheme.

Verb : (transitive) To arouse the interest of; to fascinate.

Verb : (intransitive) To have clandestine or illicit intercourse.


Adjective : angered at something unjust or wron


Adjective : moved around an axis or cente

Adjective : in an unpalatable stat


Adjective : Enthusiastic.


Adjective : Extremely happy and excited; delighted; pleased, euphoric.


Adjective : Feeling or characterized by ecstasy.

Adjective : Extremely happy.

Adjective : Relating to, or caused by, ecstasy or excessive emotion.


Adjective : Played in a jazz style.

Adjective : (slang) Very enthusiastic or excited.


Adjective : Feeling a sense of spinning in the head, causing a perception of unsteadiness and being about to fall down; dizzy.

Adjective : Causing or likely to cause dizziness or a feeling of unsteadiness.

Adjective : Moving around something or spinning rapidly.


Adjective : Caused to feel surprise, amazement or wonder, or showing an emotion due to an unexpected event.


Adjective : Surprised, startled, confused, or taken aback, particularly when also indignant.

Adjective : (medicine) Suffering from shock.

Adjective : (physics) Affected, altered, or transformed by one or more shock waves.


Adjective : made joyfu

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