Another Word For THESE


Noun : (rare) An accepted (but deprecated and rarely used) metric unit of area equal to 100 square metres, or a former unit of approximately the same extent. Symbol: a.

Noun : A village in Saaremaa, Saare County, Estonia

Noun : Initialism of advance reader’s edition.


Noun : A surname.


Noun : Center for Employee Services.

Noun : Consumer Electronics Show.

Noun : (Australia, obsolete) Commonwealth Employment Service.


Verb : For one; apiece; per.

Verb : Individually; separately; used in a sentence with a plural subject to indicate that the action or state described by the verb applies to all members of the described group individually, rather than collectively to the entire group.

Noun : (operations, philosophy) An individual item: the least quantitative unit in a grouping.


Noun : Abbreviation of escape key. (on a computer keyboard) [(computing) A key on a computer keyboard that can be used to cancel an operation.]

Noun : (automotive) Initialism of electronic stability control. [(automotive) An electronic system that assists in the control of car stability.]

Noun : (biology) Initialism of embryonic stem cell.



Adjective : Coming next, either in sequence or in time.

Adjective : About to be specified.

Adjective : (of a wind) Blowing in the direction of travel.


Verb : In this; within this content, context, or thing.


Noun : A foreign trading company in China.

Noun : A local government area of Adamawa State, Nigeria.

Noun : A surname from Chinese.


Adjective : Born or originating in, native to a land or region, especially before an intrusion.

Adjective : In particular, of or relating to a people (or their language or culture) that inhabited a region prior to the arrival of people of other cultures which became dominant (e.g., through colonialism), and which maintains a distinct culture.

Adjective : Innate, inborn.


Noun : A diminutive of the male given names Lester or Leslie.

Noun : A diminutive of the female given name Leslie.

Noun : (astronautics) Initialism of launch escape system.


Adjective : Pertaining to the nucleus of an atom.

Adjective : Involving energy released by nuclear reactions (fission, fusion, radioactive decay).

Adjective : Relating to a weapon that derives its force from rapid release of energy through nuclear reactions.


Adjective : Relating to now, for the time being; current.

Adjective : Located in the immediate vicinity.

Adjective : (obsolete) Having an immediate effect (of a medicine, poison etc.); fast-acting.


Noun : (communication) Synchronous Data Link Control

Noun : (computer science) Initialism of software development lifecycle.



Noun : (philosophy) Something being indicated that is similar to something else.

Noun : A surname.


Noun : (law) A person available to fill vacancies in a jury.

Noun : (law) A book or register of people available to fill jury vacancies.

Noun : (law) A writ to summon people to court to fill vacancies in a jury.


Verb : To attempt; to endeavour. Followed by infinitive.

Verb : (obsolete) To divide; to separate.

Verb : To separate (precious metal etc.) from the ore by melting; to purify, refine.


Verb : (degree) To a given extent or degree.

Verb : (degree) To a great extent or degree; very, particularly (in negative constructions).

Verb : (informal, Britain, Australia) To such an extent; so. (in positive constructions).


Verb : Wholly; entirely; completely; totally.

Verb : Apiece; each.

Verb : (degree) So much.


Noun : A multitude; a great aggregate; a mass of people; the generality; the common herd.

Noun : A considerable number.

Adjective : Existing in large number; numerous.


Verb : Of a measurement: approximately, roughly.

Verb : (dialect) To a certain extent, or for a certain period.


Adjective : See other (determiner) below.

Adjective : Second.

Adjective : Alien.


Adjective : Sure in one's mind, positive; absolutely confident in the truth of something.

Adjective : Not to be doubted or denied; established as a fact.

Adjective : Sure to happen, inevitable; assured.


Adjective : Having a broad range (of different elements).

Adjective : (dated) That varies or differs from others; variant; different.


Noun : In Modern English, they is a third-person pronoun relating to a grammatical subject.

Noun : a 1917 poem by the English soldier and poet Siegfried Sassoon published in The Old Huntsman and Other Poems.

Noun : "They" is a science fiction short story by American writer Robert A. Heinlein.


Noun : (styled as them) a novel by Joyce Carol Oates, the third in the Wonderland Quartet she inaugurated with A Garden of Earthly Delights.

Noun : a rock group formed in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in April 1964, most prominently known for the rock standard "Gloria" and launching singer Van Morrison's musical career.

Noun : the first studio album by American hip hop duo Themselves.


Adjective : (obsolete) Separate, distinct; particular.

Adjective : A number of different; various.

Adjective : (law) Separable, capable of being treated separately.


Adjective : Indefinitely large numerically, many.

Adjective : Consisting of a large number of individuals or parts.


Verb : (location) In a place or location (stated, implied or otherwise indicated) at some distance from the speaker (compare here).

Verb : (figuratively) In that matter, relation, etc.; at that point, stage, etc., regarded as a distinct place.

Verb : (location) To or into that place; thither.


Noun : A type, race or category; a group of entities that have common characteristics such that they may be grouped together.

Noun : A makeshift or otherwise atypical specimen.

Noun : (archaic) One's inherent nature; character, natural disposition.


Adjective : Not capable of being counted, enumerated, or numbered

Adjective : Of a very high number; extremely numerous


Noun : A great amount or number, often of people; abundance, myriad, profusion.

Noun : The mass of ordinary people; the masses, the populace.


Noun : (Britain) The pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain.

Noun : A surname.


Noun : (historical) Ten thousand; 10,000

Noun : A countless number or multitude (of specified things)

Adjective : (modifying a singular noun) Multifaceted, having innumerable elements


Verb : Misspelling of are.


Noun : (usually followed by of) An excessive amount or number; an abundance.

Noun : (medicine) Excess of blood in the skin, especially in the face and especially chronically.


Noun : (sports) A senior or first team (as opposed to a reserves team).

Noun : (UK, prison slang) The cells located on the ground floor.


Adjective : Too many to count; innumerable.

Adjective : Of a number: too large to be counted to.


Noun : (fandom slang) The collective name for any kind of person that changes into another form under certain conditions, including the werewolf.

Noun : Alternative form of wer (“man; wergeld”) [(obsolete or historical) A man; a male; a husband]


Adjective : Not capable of being counted or numerated; indefinitely numerous.


Adjective : More than one (followed by plural).

Adjective : Having more than one element, part, component, or function, having more than one instance, occurring more than once, usually contrary to expectations (can be followed by a singular).

Noun : (mathematics) A whole number that can be divided by another number with no remainder.


Noun : The digit/figure 2.

Noun : (US, informal) A two-dollar bill.

Noun : A child aged two.


Verb : (transitive) To possess, own.

Verb : (transitive) To hold, as something at someone's disposal.

Verb : (transitive) To include as a part, ingredient, or feature.


Verb : Misspelling of there. [(location) In a place or location (stated, implied or otherwise indicated) at some distance from the speaker (compare here).]


Noun : The amount that a hand will grasp or contain.

Noun : (obsolete) A hand's breadth; four inches.

Noun : A small number, usually approximately five.


Adjective : (literary) mentioned above


Verb : (intransitive) To be full to overflowing.

Verb : (intransitive, obsolete) To be wealthy.

Verb : (intransitive) To be highly productive.


Noun : A group of similar things, either growing together, or in a cluster or clump, usually fastened together.

Noun : (uncountable) The illegitimate supplying of laboratory animals that are act

Noun : (cycling) The peloton; the main group of riders formed during a race.


Verb : (chiefly US, elsewhere archaic) Frequently; often


Noun : (countable)

Noun : A deviation or difference.

Noun : A specific variation of something.


Noun : A general type.

Noun : Manner; form of being or acting.

Noun : (obsolete) Condition above the vulgar; rank.


Noun : The state of being made of multiple diverse elements.

Noun : (mathematics) The number of values for which a given condition holds.

Noun : A large indeterminate number.


Noun : (slang, hyperbolic) An unspecified large number (of); a gazillion.


Noun : (usually with "the", African-American Vernacular) A verbal game in which two or more people exchange witty insults.



Noun : The act, or process of slewing.

Noun : A device used for slewing.

Noun : A change of position.


Adjective : Relating to particular persons or things, each to each; particular; own.

Adjective : (obsolete) Noticing with attention; careful; wary.

Adjective : (obsolete) Looking toward; having reference to; relative, not absolute.


Verb : (law, Old English law) To make a tender of; to offer or tender.

Verb : (followed by a to-infinitive) To be likely, or probable to do something, or to have a certain habit or leaning.

Verb : (intransitive) To contribute to or toward some outcome.


Noun : (countable) A small unspecified object; bric-a-brac (in plural)

Noun : (uncountable) Other related objects or ideas.

Noun : A freestanding set of shelves on which ornaments are displayed; an etagere.


Verb : On certain occasions, or in certain circumstances, but not always.

Verb : (obsolete) On a certain occasion in the past; once.

Adjective : (obsolete) Former; sometime.


Verb : (auxiliary verb, defective) To know how to; to be able to.

Verb : (modal auxiliary verb, defective, informal) May; to be permitted or enabled to.

Verb : (modal auxiliary verb, defective) To have the potential to; be possible.


Adjective : Able to be counted; countable.

Adjective : (mathematics) In one to one correspondence with the set of natural integers.

Adjective : (comparable, nonstandard) numerous


Noun : (slang, hyperbolic) An unspecified large number (of).


Noun : (colloquial) A lot; a great deal; tons; loads.

Verb : (colloquial) A great deal; very much.


Noun : (countable) An abstract entity used to describe quantity.

Noun : (countable) A numeral: a symbol for a non-negative integer.

Noun : (countable, mathematics) An element of one of several sets: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers, and sometimes extensions such as hypercomplex numbers, etc.


Adjective : (mathematics, of two real numbers) having a ratio that is not expressible as a fraction of two integers.

Adjective : (mathematics, of two integers) having no common integer divisor except 1.

Adjective : Not able to be measured by the same standards as another term in the context.


Noun : A grouping based on shared characteristics; a class.

Noun : An individual considered typical of its class, one regarded as typifying a certain profession, environment, etc.

Noun : An individual that represents the ideal for its class; an embodiment.


Noun : A kind of anthropogenic soil, with deep mixing due to ploughing, digging, etc.

Noun : A surname.

Verb : Misspelling of aren't. [are not (negative auxiliary)]


Verb : (copulative) To appear; to look outwardly; to be perceived as.

Verb : (obsolete) To befit; to beseem.


Noun : (collective) A group of animals, in particular quail.

Noun : (collective) A small group of persons, especially of girls and women.

Noun : (collective) A large group or collection.


Adjective : innumerable but man


Adjective : Not the same; exhibiting a difference.

Adjective : Various, assorted, diverse.

Adjective : Distinct, separate; used for emphasis after numbers and other determiners of quantity.


Noun : The digit/figure 3.

Noun : Anything measuring three units, as length.

Noun : A person who is three years old.


Verb : To discuss or regard something in terms that are too general, and thereby ignore significant details or differences.


Adjective : (postpositive) In abundance.

Noun : (archaic) An abundance; plenty.


Noun : Two of the same kind connected or considered together.

Noun : Two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship.

Noun : (informal) A small number.



Noun : Alternative form of et cetera [Something in addition, which can easily be understood.]


Verb : (British spelling) Alternative spelling of itemize [(transitive) To state in items, or by particulars]


Verb : (intransitive, stative) to be; have existence; have being or reality



Adjective : Previously mentioned.

Noun : (uncountable) The one or ones mentioned previously.




Verb : To enjoy, be pleased by; favor; be in favor of.

Verb : (transitive, archaic) To please.

Verb : (obsolete) To derive pleasure of, by or with someone or something.


Verb : (transitive) To tell in a descriptive way.

Verb : (transitive) To bring into a relation, association, or connection (between one thing and another).

Verb : (intransitive) To have a connection.


Noun : A hundred-dollar bill, or any other note denominated 100 (e.g. a hundred euros).

Noun : (historical) An administrative subdivision of southern English counties formerly reckoned as comprising 100 hides (households or families) and notionally equal to 12,000 acres.

Noun : (by extension, historical) Similar divisions in other areas, particularly in other areas of Britain or the British Empire


Verb : (intransitive) To move from further away to nearer to.

Verb : To move towards the speaker.

Verb : To move towards the listener.


Verb : Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of anthropomorphize. [(transitive) To endow with human qualities.]


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To divide into branches or subdivisions.

Verb : (figuratively) To spread or diversify into multiple fields or categories.


Noun : (chiefly US) Alternative spelling of nay-say [(archaic) A refusal, denial, or negation.]

Verb : (chiefly US) Alternative spelling of nay-say (“say no to; deny, disagree, or oppose”) [To speak negatively of something.]


Adjective : So many as to be incapable of being counted.

Adjective : (mathematics) Incapable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers or any subset thereof.

Adjective : (grammar, of a noun) That cannot be used freely with numbers or the indefinite article, and therefore usually takes no plural form. Example: information.


Verb : To no extent, in no way.

Verb : Not at all, not very.

Verb : (obsolete) No, not.


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To increase in number or spread rapidly; to multiply.


Adjective : explicit or definite.

Adjective : (bioscience, taxonomy) pertaining to a species, as a taxon or taxa at the rank of species.

Adjective : special, distinctive or unique.


Noun : (countable and uncountable) A requirement for something; something needed.

Noun : Lack of means of subsistence; poverty; indigence; destitution.

Verb : (transitive) To have an absolute requirement for.


Verb : (transitive) To make, or cause to appear, individual.

Adjective : undivided


Noun : a large number or amoun


Verb : In a dissimilar way; differently.

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