5 Letter Words Ending in K


Adjective : (slang, African-American Vernacular, chiefly describing eyebrows) Alternative form of on fleek


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To separate into two or more pieces, to fracture or crack, by a process that cannot easily be reversed for reassembly.

Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To crack or fracture (bone) under a physical strain.

Verb : (transitive) To divide (something, often money) into smaller units.


Noun : An elongated piece of wood or similar material, typically put to some use, for example as a wand or baton.

Noun : A small, thin branch from a tree or bush; a twig; a branch.

Noun : A relatively long, thin piece of wood, of any size.


Adjective : (of an object) Absorbing all light and reflecting none; dark and hueless.

Adjective : (of a place, etc) Without light.

Adjective : (sometimes capitalized) Belonging to or descended from any of various (African, Aboriginal, etc) ethnic groups which typically have dark pigmentation of the skin. (See usage notes below.)


Noun : An inspection or examination.

Noun : A control; a limit or stop.

Noun : (chess) A situation in which the king is directly threatened by an opposing piece.


Noun : A store or supply.

Noun : (operations) A store of goods ready for sale; inventory.

Noun : A supply of anything ready for use.


Noun : A form of atmospherics (radio interference) produced when the high-frequency components reach the receiver before the low-frequency components.

Verb : Misspelling of tweak. [(transitive) To pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist; to twitch.]


Noun : A mark left by something that has passed along.

Noun : A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or animal.

Noun : The entire lower surface of the foot; said of birds, etc.


Noun : A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance.

Noun : A chopping block: a cuboid base for cutting or beheading.

Noun : A wig block: a simplified head model upon which wigs are worn.


Verb : (transitive) To ponder, to go over in one's head.

Verb : (intransitive) To communicate to oneself in one's mind, to try to find a solution to a problem.

Verb : (intransitive) To conceive of something or someone (usually followed by of; infrequently, by on).


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To consume (a liquid) through the mouth.

Verb : (transitive, metonymically) To consume the liquid contained within (a bottle, glass, etc.).

Verb : (intransitive) To consume alcoholic beverages.


Noun : A small wheel or roller, specifically the wheel of a gun carriage.

Noun : The ball on top of a flagpole.

Noun : (nautical) On a wooden mast, a circular disc (or sometimes a rectangle) of wood near or at the top of the mast, usually with holes or sheaves to reeve signal halyards; also a temporary or emergency place for a lookout. "Main" refers to the mainmast, whereas a truck on another mast may be called (on the mizzenmast, for example) "mizzen-truck".


Adjective : Having an even, smooth surface; smooth

Adjective : Glossy.

Adjective : Not rough or harsh.


Verb : (intransitive) To form cracks.

Verb : (intransitive) To break apart under force, stress, or pressure.

Verb : (intransitive) To become debilitated by psychological pressure.


Adjective : Without color; pale; pallid.

Adjective : Desolate and exposed; swept by cold winds.

Adjective : Unhappy; cheerless; miserable; emotionally desolate.


Verb : (transitive) To pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist; to twitch.

Verb : (transitive, informal) To adjust slightly; to fine-tune.

Verb : (transitive) To tease, to annoy; to get under the skin of (someone, typically so as to irritate them, or by extension to enamor, frighten, etc).


Noun : A chronometer, an instrument that measures time, particularly the time of day.

Noun : (attributive) A common noun relating to an instrument that measures or keeps track of time.

Noun : (Britain) The odometer of a motor vehicle.


Verb : (intransitive) To communicate with one's voice, to say words out loud.

Verb : (intransitive, reciprocal) To have a conversation.

Verb : (by extension) To communicate or converse by some means other than orally, such as writing or facial expressions.


Noun : (heading) A pile.

Noun : A large pile of hay, grain, straw, or the like, larger at the bottom than the top, sometimes covered with thatch.

Noun : A pile of similar objects, each directly on top of the last.


Noun : A sudden, heavy impact.

Noun : (figuratively) Something so surprising that it is stunning.

Noun : (psychology) A sudden or violent mental or emotional disturbance.


Noun : (ichthyology) A scaleless, predatory fish of the superorder Selachimorpha, with a cartilaginous skeleton and 5 to 7 gill slits on each side of its head.

Noun : The noctuid moth Cucullia umbratica.

Noun : (UK, university slang) A university student who is not a fresher that has engaged in sexual activity with a fresher; usually habitually and with multiple people.


Noun : Something designed to fool or swindle.

Noun : A single element of a magician's (or any variety entertainer's) act; a magic trick.

Noun : An entertaining difficult physical action.


Adjective : (obsolete) Hard, firm; obdurate.

Adjective : Severe; violent; fierce (now usually in describing the weather).

Adjective : (poetic, literary or archaic) Strong; vigorous; powerful.


Noun : One who sneaks; one who moves stealthily to acquire an item or information.

Noun : The act of sneaking

Noun : A cheat; a con artist.


Noun : A small particle of glowing matter, either molten or on fire, resulting from an electrical surge or excessive heat created by friction.

Noun : A short or small burst of electrical discharge.

Noun : A small, shining body, or transient light; a sparkle.


Noun : (uncountable) The part of anything that hangs loose, having no strain upon it.

Noun : (countable) A tidal marsh or shallow that periodically fills and drains.

Noun : (uncountable, psychotherapy) Unconditional listening attention given by client to patient.


Noun : A number of birds together in a group, such as those gathered together for the purpose of migration.

Noun : A large number of animals associated together in a group; commonly used of sheep, but (dated) also used for goats, farmed animals, and a wide variety of animals.

Noun : Those served by a particular pastor or shepherd.herd/flock


Adjective : Moving with speed, rapidity or swiftness, or capable of doing so; rapid; fast.

Adjective : Occurring in a short time; happening or done rapidly.

Adjective : Lively, fast-thinking, witty, intelligent.


Noun : A bend; turn; curve; curvature; a flexure.

Noun : A bending of the knee; a genuflection.

Noun : A bent or curved part; a curving piece or portion (of anything).


Adjective : Unable to move.

Adjective : Unable to progress with a task.

Adjective : No longer functioning, frozen up, frozen.


Adjective : (archaic) White or pale; without colour.

Adjective : Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in

Adjective : (figurative) Lacking characteristics which give variety; uniform.


Noun : (dated) Someone or something that is markedly unusual or unpredictable.

Noun : A hippie.

Noun : A drug addict.


Noun : The stem or main axis of a plant, which supports the seed-carrying parts.

Noun : The petiole, pedicel, or peduncle of a plant.

Noun : Something resembling the stalk of a plant, such as the stem of a quill.


Noun : One who occupationally provides assistance by working with records, accounts, letters, etc.; an office worker.

Noun : A salesclerk; a person who serves customers in a store or market.

Noun : A law clerk.


Noun : (heading, biological) Part of a body.

Noun : The usually single, more or less upright part of a tree, between the roots and the branches.

Noun : The torso.


Noun : A short, quick movement, especially a brush, sweep, or flip.

Noun : (informal) A motion picture, movie, film; (in plural, usually preceded by "the") movie theater, cinema.

Noun : (fencing) A cut that lands with the point, often involving a whip of the foible of the blade to strike at a concealed target.


Noun : beefsteak, a slice of beef, broiled or cut for broiling.

Noun : (by extension) A relatively large, thick slice or slab cut from another animal, a vegetable, etc.

Noun : A slice of meat cut across the grain (perpendicular to the spine) from a fish.


Noun : An uneven, often crooked smile that is insolent, self-satisfied, conceited or scornful.

Noun : A forced or affected smile.

Verb : To smile in a way that is affected, smug, insolent or contemptuous.


Noun : Snide remarks or attitude.

Verb : To express oneself in a snarky fashion.

Verb : (obsolete) To snort.


Adjective : Slippery or smooth due to a covering of liquid; often used to describe appearances.

Adjective : Appearing expensive or sophisticated.

Adjective : Superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy.


Verb : (intransitive) To have a strong bad smell.

Verb : (intransitive, stative, informal) To be greatly inferior; to perform badly.

Verb : (intransitive) To give an impression of dishonesty, untruth, or sin.


Noun : A distinct flavor, especially if slight.

Noun : A slight trace of something; a smattering.

Noun : (slang, uncountable) Heroin.


Noun : An idiosyncrasy; a slight glitch, mannerism; something unusual about the manner or style of something or someone.

Noun : (architecture) An acute angle dividing a molding; a groove that runs lengthwise between the upper part of a moulding and a soffit.

Noun : (archaic) A quibble, evasion, or subterfuge.


Verb : (intransitive) To sneak about furtively.

Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To give birth to an animal prematurely.

Noun : (countable) A furtive sneaking motion.


Adjective : Full of liveliness and activity; characterized by quickness of motion or action.

Adjective : Full of spirit of life; effervescing.

Adjective : (archaic) Sparkling; fizzy.


Verb : (transitive, formal, chiefly in the negative) To bear; endure; support; put up with; tolerate.

Verb : (transitive, now chiefly Scotland) To enjoy the use of; make use of; profit by; to use, enjoy, possess, or hold.

Verb : (transitive, obsolete) To earn; deserve.


Verb : (transitive) To attack the flank(s) of.

Verb : (transitive) To defend the flank(s) of.

Verb : (transitive) To place to the side(s) of.


Adjective : Relatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite in its smallest solid dimension.

Adjective : Measuring a certain number of units in this dimension.

Adjective : Heavy in build; thickset.


Verb : (transitive) To cause harm; to afflict; to inflict; to harm or injure; to let out harm.

Verb : (transitive) To chasten, or chastise/chastize, or castigate, or punish, or smite.

Verb : (archaic) To inflict or take vengeance on.


Adjective : honest, especially in a manner that seems slightly blunt; candid; not reserved or disguised.

Adjective : (medicine) unmistakable, clinically obvious, self-evident

Adjective : (obsolete) Unbounded by restrictions, limitations, etc.; free.


Noun : Something or someone that has been ruined.

Noun : The remains of something that has been severely damaged or worn down.

Noun : An event in which something is damaged through collision.


Noun : (Britain) A small inlet or bay, often saltwater, narrower and extending farther into the land than a cove; a recess in the shore of the sea, or of a river; the inner part of a port that is used as a dock for small boats.

Noun : (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, US) A stream of water (often freshwater) smaller than a river and larger than a brook; in Australia, also used of river-sized bodies of water.

Noun : Any turn or winding.


Adjective : (slang) Strange, weird, odd.

Adjective : Sick; unwell.

Adjective : (nautical, of a ship) Liable to capsize because of poorly stowed cargo or insufficient ballast.


Verb : (transitive) To pull something sharply; to pull something out

Verb : (transitive) To take or remove (someone) quickly from a particular place or situation.

Verb : (transitive, music) To gently play a single string, e.g. on a guitar, violin etc.


Noun : (cooking) Meat from the shoulder of a cow or other animal.

Noun : (US, slang, dated) Food.

Noun : (mechanical engineering) A mechanical device that holds an object firmly in place, for example holding a drill bit in a high-speed rotating drill or grinder.


Noun : A small hole or perforation, caused by piercing.

Noun : An indentation or small mark made with a pointed object.

Noun : (obsolete) A dot or other diacritical mark used in writing; a point.


Verb : (intransitive) To close and reopen both eyes quickly.

Verb : (transitive) To close and reopen one's eyes to remove (something) from on or around the eyes.

Verb : To wink; to twinkle with, or as with, the eye.


Noun : A readiness in performance; aptness at doing something.

Noun : A petty contrivance; a toy.

Noun : Something performed, or to be done, requiring aptness and dexterity.


Noun : A brief, sharp, not particularly loud, relatively high-pitched sound produced by the impact of something small and hard against something hard, such as by the operation of a switch, a lock, or a latch.

Noun : (Britain) The act of making a clicking sound by pressing a finger against the thumb and then releasing to strike the palm; a snap.

Noun : (phonetics) An ingressive sound made by coarticulating a velar or uvular closure with another closure.


Noun : An abrupt rapping sound, as from an impact of a hard object against wood.

Noun : A sharp impact.

Noun : (figuratively) A criticism.


Noun : The edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge.

Noun : (figurative) The edge or border.

Noun : A surname.


Noun : A practical joke or mischievous trick.

Noun : (obsolete) An evil deed; a malicious trick, an act of cruel deception.

Verb : (transitive) To perform a practical joke on; to trick.


Noun : (countable) A hardened rectangular block of mud, clay etc., used for building.

Noun : (uncountable) Such hardened mud, clay, etc. considered collectively, as a building material.

Noun : (countable) Something shaped like a brick.


Noun : Any of various small mammals, of the family Mephitidae, native to North and Central America, having a glossy black with a white coat and two musk glands at the base of the tail for emitting a noxious smell as a defensive measure.

Noun : (slang, derogatory, dated) A despicable person.

Noun : (slang, derogatory, dated) Anything very bad; a stinker.


Noun : (anatomy) The soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes; the outer surface of the sides of the oral cavity.

Noun : (anatomy, informal, usually in the plural) The lower part of the buttocks that is often exposed beneath very brief underwear, swimwear, or extremely short shorts.

Noun : (figurative, informal, uncountable) Impudence.


Noun : A long, broad and thick piece of timber, as opposed to a board which is less thick.

Noun : (figurative) A political issue that is of concern to a faction or a party of the people and the political position that is taken on that issue.

Noun : Physical exercise in which one holds a pushup position for a measured length of time.


Noun : (uncountable) A soft, white, powdery limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO₃).

Noun : (countable) A piece of chalk, or nowadays processed compressed gypsum (calcium sulfate, CaSO₄), that is used for drawing and for writing on a blackboard (chalkboard).

Noun : Tailor's chalk.


Noun : The part of the leg between the knee and the ankle.

Noun : Meat from that part of an animal.

Noun : (ornithology, colloquial) A redshank or greenshank, various species of Old World wading birds in the genus Tringa having distinctly colored legs.


Noun : A crude, roughly built hut or cabin.

Noun : Any poorly constructed or poorly furnished building.

Noun : (slang) The room from which a ham radio operator transmits.


Noun : A light meal.

Noun : An item of food eaten between meals.

Noun : (slang) A very sexy and attractive person.


Noun : A part of something that has been separated.

Noun : A representative portion of a substance, often large and irregular.

Noun : (linguistics, education) A sequence of two or more words that occur in language with high frequency but are not idiomatic; a bundle or cluster.


Noun : A surname.

Verb : To impact and penetrate something with a heavy sound, like a blade hitting wood.


Noun : The sound of a heavy strike.

Noun : The strike itself.

Noun : The stroke itself, regardless of its successful impact.


Noun : A long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back; a cape, often with a hood.

Noun : A blanket-like covering, often metaphorical.

Noun : (figurative) That which conceals; a disguise or pretext.


Noun : A small enclosed structure, often freestanding, open on one side or with a window, used as a booth to sell newspapers, cigarettes, etc.

Noun : A similar unattended stand for the automatic dispensing of tickets, etc.

Noun : A public telephone booth.


Noun : A quick, light sweeping motion.

Noun : A kitchen utensil, now usually made from stiff wire loops fixed to a handle (and formerly of twigs), used for whipping (or a mechanical device with the same function).

Noun : A bunch of twigs or hair etc, used as a brush.


Noun : (archaic, dialectal or literary) Vengeance; revenge; persecution; punishment; consequence; trouble.

Noun : (archaic, except in dialects) Ruin; destruction.

Noun : The remains; a wreck.


Verb : (archaic) Towards the back or rear; backwards.

Verb : (archaic) In the rear; a distance behind.

Verb : By surprise; startled; dumbfounded. (see usage)


Adjective : Intoxicated as a result of excessive alcohol consumption, usually by drinking alcoholic beverages.

Adjective : (derogatory) Habitually or frequently in a state of intoxication.

Adjective : (usually followed by with or on) Elated or emboldened.


Adjective : Of or relating to Greece, its people, its language, or its culture

Adjective : (figurative, colloquial) Synonym of incomprehensible, used for foreign speech or text, technical jargon, or advanced subjects.

Adjective : (US, not comparable) Of or relating to collegiate fraternities, sororities, and/or (uncommon) honor societies.


Verb : (transitive) To avoid, especially a duty, responsibility, etc.; to stay away from.

Verb : (intransitive) To evade an obligation; to avoid the performance of duty, as by running away.

Verb : (transitive) To procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation.


Noun : (obsolete in the singular) An expression of appreciation; a thought.

Verb : (transitive) To express gratitude or appreciation toward.

Verb : (transitive) To feel gratitude or appreciation toward.


Noun : A flake.

Noun : A lock, as of wool.

Noun : A small spot or streak; a speckle.


Noun : (informal) A ghost or phantom.

Noun : A hobgoblin.

Noun : (informal) A scare or fright.


Noun : (physics) In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle that forms matter. They combine to form hadrons, such as protons and neutrons.

Noun : (computing, X Window System) An integer that uniquely identifies a text string.

Noun : A soft creamy cheese, eaten throughout northern, central, eastern, and southeastern Europe as well as the Low Countries, very similar to cottage cheese except that it is usually not made with rennet.


Noun : A narrow-necked vessel of metal or glass, used for various purposes; as of sheet metal, to carry gunpowder in; or of wrought iron, to contain quicksilver; or of glass, to heat water in, etc.

Noun : A container used to discreetly carry a small amount of a hard alcoholic beverage; a pocket flask.

Noun : (sciences) Laboratory glassware used to hold larger volumes than test tubes, normally having a narrow mouth of a standard size which widens to a flat or spherical base.


Noun : A type of small boat, covered over by a surface deck, powered by the occupant or occupants using a double-bladed paddle in a sitting position, from a hole in the surface deck

Verb : (intransitive) To use a kayak, to travel or race in a kayak.

Verb : (transitive) To traverse (a body of water) by kayak.


Adjective : (obsolete) smart; jaunty; spruce

Noun : Dated form of smirk. [An uneven, often crooked smile that is insolent, self-satisfied, conceited or scornful.]

Verb : Dated form of smirk. [To smile in a way that is affected, smug, insolent or contemptuous.]


Noun : A young bird.

Noun : A young chicken.

Noun : (dated, endearing) A young child.


Noun : One who sneaks; one who moves stealthily to acquire an item or information.

Noun : The act of sneaking

Noun : A cheat; a con artist.


Noun : A faint, harsh sound made in the throat.

Noun : The call of a frog or toad. (see also ribbit)

Noun : The harsh call of various birds, such as the raven or corncrake, or other creatures.


Noun : Any object used as a wedge or filler, especially when placed behind a wheel to prevent it from rolling.

Noun : (nautical) Any fitting or fixture used to restrict movement, especially movement of a line; traditionally was a fixture near a bulwark with two horns pointing towards each other, with a gap between where the line can be inserted.

Verb : (transitive) To stop or fasten, as with a wedge, or block; to scotch.


Noun : A narrow opening such as a fissure or crack.

Noun : A narrow beam or patch of light admitted by such an opening.

Noun : A chip or dent in something metallic.


Noun : An English and Scottish surname originating as an occupation for a scribe, secretary, or cleric.

Noun : A male given name transferred from the surname.

Noun : A locale in the United States:


Adjective : (archaic) Lively; brisk.

Noun : A little playful skip or leap; a brisk and lively movement.

Noun : The act of frisking, of searching for something by feeling someone's body.


Noun : A wax-resist method of dyeing fabric.

Verb : To dye fabric using the wax-resist method.


Verb : To twinkle; to sparkle.

Verb : (now dialectal) To wink.

Noun : One or more very small, short bursts of light.



Noun : A silky fibre obtained from seed pods of the silk-cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra) used for insulation and stuffing for mattresses, pillows, etc.

Noun : A silk-cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra).

Noun : A cotton tree, Malabar silk-cotton tree, or red silk-cotton tree (Bombax ceiba).


Verb : (intransitive, obsolete) To flutter; palpitate.

Verb : (intransitive, UK dialectal) To hang loosely; flag.

Verb : (transitive, UK dialectal) To beat by flapping.

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