5 Letter Words That Start With B


Noun : A relatively long, wide and thin piece of any material, usually wood or similar, often for use in construction or furniture-making.

Noun : A device (e.g., switchboard) containing electrical switches and other controls and designed to control lights, sound, telephone connections, etc.

Noun : A flat surface with markings for playing a board game.


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To separate into two or more pieces, to fracture or crack, by a process that cannot easily be reversed for reassembly.

Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To crack or fracture (bone) under a physical strain.

Verb : (transitive) To divide (something, often money) into smaller units.


Adjective : (of an object) Absorbing all light and reflecting none; dark and hueless.

Adjective : (of a place, etc) Without light.

Adjective : (sometimes capitalized) Belonging to or descended from any of various (African, Aboriginal, etc) ethnic groups which typically have dark pigmentation of the skin. (See usage notes below.)


Verb : To produce offspring sexually; to bear young.

Verb : (transitive) To give birth to; to be the native place of.

Verb : Of animals, to mate.


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To start, to initiate or take the first step into something.

Verb : (intransitive) To be in the first stage of some situation

Verb : (intransitive) To come into existence.


Noun : A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance.

Noun : A chopping block: a cuboid base for cutting or beheading.

Noun : A wig block: a simplified head model upon which wigs are worn.


Verb : (intransitive) To break from internal pressure.

Verb : (transitive) To cause to break from internal pressure.

Verb : (transitive, obsolete) To cause to break by any means.


Verb : (transitive, ditransitive) To transport toward somebody/somewhere.

Verb : (transitive, figuratively) To supply or contribute.

Verb : (transitive) To occasion or bring about.


Verb : (transitive) To form (something) by combining materials or parts.

Verb : (transitive) To develop or give form to (something) according to a plan or process.

Verb : (transitive) To increase or strengthen (something) by adding gradually to.


Verb : (intransitive, of a person, animal or body part) To lose blood through an injured blood vessel.

Verb : (transitive) To let or draw blood from.

Verb : (transitive) To take large amounts of money from.


Verb : (now rare) In a big way, greatly; to a great extent, on a large scale.

Verb : (now rare) Strongly, with great force.

Verb : (now rare) In a blustering or boastful manner; haughtily, pompously.


Adjective : (with infinitive) Obliged (to).

Adjective : (linguistics, of a morpheme) That cannot stand alone as a free word.

Adjective : (mathematics, logic, of a variable) Constrained by a quantifier.


Noun : (obsolete) Armor for the arm; vambrace.

Noun : (obsolete) A measurement of length, originally representing a person's outstretched arms.

Noun : A curved instrument or handle of iron or wood, for holding and turning bits, etc.; a bitstock.


Noun : One who is narrow-mindedly devoted to their own ideas and groups, and intolerant of (people of) differing ideas, races, genders, religions, politics, etc.

Noun : (obsolete) One who is overly pious in matters of religion, often hypocritically or else superstitiously so.


Noun : (countable and uncountable) A colour like that of chocolate or coffee.

Noun : (snooker, countable) One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 4 points.

Noun : (uncountable) Black tar heroin.


Noun : (uncountable)

Noun : A foodstuff made by baking dough made from cereals.

Noun : Food; sustenance; support of life, in general.


Adjective : (not comparable) Unable to see, or only partially able to see.

Adjective : (comparable) Failing to recognize, acknowledge or perceive.

Adjective : (not comparable) Of a place, having little or no visibility.


Adjective : Of short duration; happening quickly.

Adjective : Concise; taking few words.

Adjective : Occupying a small distance, area or spatial extent; short.


Noun : A living creature.

Noun : The state or fact of existence, consciousness, or life, or something in such a state.

Noun : (philosophy) That which has actuality (materially or in concept).


Adjective : Without color; pale; pallid.

Adjective : Desolate and exposed; swept by cold winds.

Adjective : Unhappy; cheerless; miserable; emotionally desolate.


Adjective : Common in a boring way, to the point of being predictable; containing nothing new or fresh.

Adjective : (uncommon, historical) Relating to a type of feudal jurisdiction or service.


Noun : A vital liquid flowing in the bodies of many types of animals that usually conveys nutrients and oxygen. In vertebrates, it is colored red by hemoglobin, is conveyed by arteries and veins, is pumped by the heart and is usually generated in bone marrow.

Noun : A family relationship due to birth, such as that between siblings; contrasted with relationships due to marriage or adoption. (See blood relative, blood relation.)

Noun : (historical) One of the four humours in the human body.


Noun : A push from behind, as to one who is endeavoring to climb.

Noun : Something that helps, or adds power or effectiveness; assistance.

Noun : (physics) A coordinate transformation that changes velocity.


Noun : Perfect happiness.

Noun : An English surname transferred from the nickname originating as a nickname.

Noun : (rare) A unisex given name from English.


Noun : (obsolete, rare) A conflagration; a flame.

Noun : (archaic or poetic) A piece of burning wood or peat, or a glowing cinder.

Noun : (Scotland, Northern England) A torch used for signaling.


Adjective : carried, supported.

Noun : A surname.


Adjective : Having a thick edge or point; not sharp.

Adjective : Dull in understanding; slow of discernment; opposed to acute.

Adjective : Abrupt in address; plain; unceremonious; wanting the forms of civility; rough in manners or speech.


Noun : A physical base or foundation.

Noun : A starting point, base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis.

Noun : An underlying condition or circumstance.


Noun : A violent gust of wind.

Noun : A forcible stream of gas or liquid from an orifice, for example from a bellows, the mouth, etc.

Noun : A hit of a recreational drug from a pipe.


Noun : (dated or specialised, dog-breeding) A female dog or other canine, particularly a recent mother.

Noun : (archaic, offensive) A promiscuous woman, slut, whore.

Noun : (vulgar, offensive) A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, usually a woman.


Noun : The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.

Noun : A horizontal strip of land, usually sandy, adjoining water.

Noun : (UK dialectal, Sussex, Kent) The loose pebbles of the seashore, especially worn by waves; shingle.


Noun : The young of certain animals, especially a group of young birds or fowl hatched at one time by the same mother.

Noun : (uncountable) The young of any egg-laying creature, especially if produced at the same time.

Noun : (countable, uncountable) The eggs and larvae of social insects such as bees, ants and some wasps, especially when gathered together in special brood chambers or combs within the colony.


Noun : A person who is intentionally physically or emotionally cruel to others, especially to those whom they perceive as being vulnerable or of less power or privilege.

Noun : A noisy, blustering, tyrannical person, more insolent than courageous; one who is threatening and quarrelsome.

Noun : A hired thug.


Noun : The (typically sharp-edged) part of a knife, sword, razor, or other tool with which it cuts.

Noun : (metonymically) A sword or knife.

Noun : The flat functional end or piece of a propeller, oar, hockey stick, chisel, screwdriver, skate, etc.


Verb : (transitive, obsolete) To lie around; encompass.

Verb : (transitive, obsolete, of an army) To surround; beleaguer.

Verb : (transitive, archaic) To tell lies about.


Noun : A device used to slow or stop the motion of a wheel, or of a vehicle, usually by friction (although other resistive forces, such as electromagnetic fields or aerodynamic drag, can also be used); also, the controls or apparatus used to engage such a mechanism such as the pedal in a car.

Noun : The act of braking, of using a brake to slow down a machine or vehicle

Noun : (engineering) An apparatus for testing the power of a steam engine or other motor by weighing the amount of friction that the motor will overcome; a friction brake.


Noun : A blossom; the flower of a plant; an expanded bud.

Noun : (collective) Flowers.

Noun : (uncountable) The opening of flowers in general; the state of blossoming or of having the flowers open.


Adjective : Necessary, essential for life or some process.

Adjective : Elementary, simple, fundamental, merely functional.

Adjective : (chemistry) Of or pertaining to a base; having a pH greater than 7.


Noun : The control center of the central nervous system of an animal located in the skull which is responsible for perception, cognition, attention, memory, emotion, and action.

Noun : A part of the brain, especially associated with particular mental functions, abilities, etc.

Noun : (informal) An intelligent person.


Adjective : Strong in the face of fear; courageous.

Adjective : (obsolete) Having any sort of superiority or excellence.

Adjective : Making a fine show or display.



Noun : An act of bluffing; a false expression of the strength of one's position in order to intimidate; braggadocio.

Noun : (poker) An attempt to represent oneself as holding a stronger hand than one actually does.

Noun : (US, dated) The card game poker.


Adjective : Wide in extent or scope.

Adjective : Extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full.

Adjective : Having a large measure of any thing or quality; unlimited; unrestrained.



Verb : (transitive) To surround or hem in.

Verb : (transitive, sometimes figurative) To attack or assail, especially from all sides.

Verb : (transitive) To decorate something with jewels etc.


Noun : A fire, especially a fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light.

Noun : Intense, direct light accompanied with heat.

Noun : The white or lighter-coloured markings on a horse's face.


Noun : (countable, uncountable) A metallic alloy of copper and zinc used in many industrial and plumbing applications.

Noun : A memorial or sepulchral tablet usually made of brass or latten

Noun : Fittings, utensils, or other items made of brass


Adjective : (archaic) White or pale; without colour.

Adjective : Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in

Adjective : (figurative) Lacking characteristics which give variety; uniform.


Noun : An implement consisting of multiple more or less flexible bristles or other filaments attached to a handle, used for any of various purposes including cleaning, painting, and arranging hair.

Noun : The act of brushing something.

Noun : A piece of conductive material, usually carbon, serving to maintain electrical contact between the stationary and rotating parts of a machine.


Noun : A brag; ostentatious positive appraisal of oneself.

Noun : Something that one brags about.

Noun : (squash) A shot where the ball is driven off a side wall and then strikes the front wall.


Noun : A mixture of two or more things.

Noun : (linguistics) A word formed by combining two other words; a grammatical contamination, portmanteau word.

Verb : (transitive) To mingle; to mix; to unite intimately; to pass or shade insensibly into each other.


Noun : Censure.

Noun : Culpability for something negative or undesirable.

Noun : Responsibility for something meriting censure.


Noun : Facial hair on the chin, cheeks, jaw and neck.

Noun : The cluster of small feathers at the base of the beak in some birds.

Noun : The appendages to the jaw in some cetaceans, and to the mouth or jaws of some fishes.


Verb : To father; to sire; to produce (a child).

Verb : To cause; to produce.

Verb : To bring forth.


Noun : A wide bowl for washing, sometimes affixed to a wall.

Noun : (obsolete) A shallow bowl used for a single serving of a drink or liquidy food.

Noun : A depression, natural or artificial, containing water.


Noun : A small succulent fruit, of any one of many varieties.

Noun : (botany) A soft fruit which develops from a single ovary and contains seeds not encased in pits.

Noun : A coffee bean.


Adjective : Having a soothing effect; not irritating or stimulating.

Adjective : Lacking in taste or flavor.

Adjective : Lacking in vigor.


Adjective : (of people or behaviour) Overly bold or self-assertive to the point of being insensitive, tactless or impudent; shameless.

Adjective : (of actions) Overly bold, impetuous or rash.

Adjective : (of things) Bold, bright or showy, often in a tasteless way.


Noun : (by extension) A comprehensive manual that describes something, or a publication with a loyal readership.

Noun : (law) A binder containing copies of the most important documents for a particular matter.

Noun : (nautical) Synonym of holystone: a piece of sandstone used for scouring wooden decks on ships.


Noun : A long seat with or without a back, found for example in parks and schools.

Noun : (law) The seat where the judges sit in court.

Noun : (law, figuratively) The people who decide on the verdict, collectively; the judiciary.


Noun : A short period of excessive consumption, especially of food, alcohol, narcotics, etc.

Noun : (by extension) A compressed period of an activity done in excess, such as watching a television show.

Verb : To engage in a short period of excessive consumption, especially of excessive alcohol consumption.


Noun : (uncountable) The process of childbearing; the beginning of life; the emergence of a human baby or other viviparous animal offspring from the mother's body into the environment.

Noun : (countable) An instance of childbirth.

Noun : (countable) A beginning or start; a point of origin.


Noun : Salt water; water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt; a salt-and-water solution for pickling.

Noun : The sea or ocean; the water of the sea.

Verb : (transitive) To preserve food in a salt solution.


Noun : A fixed bunk for sleeping (in caravans, trains, etc).

Noun : Room for maneuvering or safety. (Often used in the phrase a wide berth.)

Noun : A space for a ship to moor or a vehicle to park.


Noun : A male given name from Latin.

Adjective : Alternative spelling of blasé [Unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity.]


Adjective : Full of liveliness and activity; characterized by quickness of motion or action.

Adjective : Full of spirit of life; effervescing.

Adjective : (archaic) Sparkling; fizzy.


Verb : (transitive, formal, chiefly in the negative) To bear; endure; support; put up with; tolerate.

Verb : (transitive, now chiefly Scotland) To enjoy the use of; make use of; profit by; to use, enjoy, possess, or hold.

Verb : (transitive, obsolete) To earn; deserve.


Noun : (anatomy, somewhat dated) The breast or chest of a human (or sometimes of another animal).

Noun : The seat of one's inner thoughts, feelings, etc.; one's secret feelings; desire.

Noun : The protected interior or inner part of something; the area enclosed as by an embrace.


Noun : The quantity of bread or other baked goods baked at one time.

Noun : (by extension) A quantity of anything produced at one operation.

Noun : A group or collection of things of the same kind, such as a batch of letters or the next batch of business.


Noun : Any of various trees of the genus Betula, native to countries in the Northern Hemisphere.

Noun : A hard wood taken from the birch tree, typically used to make furniture.

Noun : A stick, rod or bundle of twigs made from birch wood, used for punishment.


Noun : A group of similar things, either growing together, or in a cluster or clump, usually fastened together.

Noun : (uncountable) The illegitimate supplying of laboratory animals that are act

Noun : (cycling) The peloton; the main group of riders formed during a race.


Noun : Something sticking out from a surface; a swelling, protuberant part; a bending outward, especially when caused by pressure.

Noun : The bilge or protuberant part of a cask.

Noun : (nautical) The bilge of a vessel.


Verb : (intransitive) To close and reopen both eyes quickly.

Verb : (transitive) To close and reopen one's eyes to remove (something) from on or around the eyes.

Verb : To wink; to twinkle with, or as with, the eye.


Verb : In or to a lower place.

Verb : On or to a lower storey.

Verb : (nautical) On or to a lower deck, especially as relative to the main deck.


Noun : Any major regional biological community such as that of forest or desert.

Noun : All the genomes of such a community.


Noun : (countable) A domestic utensil with fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping.

Noun : (countable, curling) An implement with which players sweep the ice to make a stone travel further and curl less; a sweeper.

Noun : Any of several yellow-flowered shrubs of the family Fabaceae, with long, stiff, thin branches and small or few leaves used for the domestic utensil.


Noun : (countable) A sudden attack, especially an air raid; usually with reference to the Blitz.

Noun : (countable) A swift and overwhelming attack or effort.

Noun : (countable, American football) A play in which additional defenders beyond the defensive linemen rush the passer.


Noun : The edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge.

Noun : (figurative) The edge or border.

Noun : A surname.


Verb : To make something holy by religious rite, sanctify.

Verb : To make the sign of the cross upon, so as to sanctify.

Verb : To invoke divine favor upon.


Noun : (countable) A hardened rectangular block of mud, clay etc., used for building.

Noun : (uncountable) Such hardened mud, clay, etc. considered collectively, as a building material.

Noun : (countable) Something shaped like a brick.


Noun : (nautical) A form of prize which, when a ship was captured at sea, could be distributed at once.

Noun : Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war, or seized by piracy.

Noun : (figuratively) Something that has been stolen or illegally, mischievously, or greedily obtained from elsewhere.


Noun : The sloping edge or face on a cutting tool.

Noun : The oblique side or face of a cut gem; especially the upper faceted portion of a brilliant (diamond), which projects from its setting.

Noun : The rim and flange which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object, such as the crystal of a watch, in the cavity in which it is set.


Noun : A friend or casual acquaintance.

Noun : A partner for a particular activity.

Noun : An informal and friendly address to a stranger, usually male; a friendly (or occasionally antagonistic) placeholder name for a person one does not know.


Noun : An animal, especially a large or dangerous land vertebrate.

Noun : (chiefly in Commonwealth English, more specifically) A domestic animal, especially a bovine farm animal.

Noun : (often collective) All non-human animals seen as a group.


Noun : A short description of a book, film, or other work, written and used for promotional purposes.

Verb : (transitive) To write or quote in a blurb.

Verb : (transitive) To supply with a blurb.


Noun : Cured meat from the sides, belly, or back of a pig.

Noun : Thin slices of the above in long strips.

Noun : (slang, derogatory) The police or spies.


Adjective : Suffering from boredom; mildly annoyed and restless through having nothing to do.

Adjective : Perforated by a hole or holes.


Noun : A small stall for the display and sale of goods.

Noun : An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person.

Noun : An enclosed table with seats, as in a diner or café.


Noun : A tree-branch, usually a primary one directly attached to the trunk.

Noun : (obsolete, figuratively, poetic) A gallows.

Noun : A surname.


Adjective : Founded on; having a basis; often used in combining forms.

Verb : simple past and past participle of base

Verb : Being derived from (usually followed by on or upon).


Noun : Ostentatious display of richness or style.

Noun : Alternative form of bling bling [(slang) Shiny jewelry that displays wealth, such as a diamond ring or a stylish gold necklace or bracelet.]


Adjective : Counterfeit or fake; not genuine.

Adjective : (slang) Undesirable or harmful.

Adjective : (computing, slang) Incorrect, useless, or broken.


Noun : An edge that is canted, one that is not a 90-degree angle; a chamfer.

Noun : An instrument consisting of two rules or arms, jointed together at one end, and opening to any angle, for adjusting the surfaces of work to the same or a given inclination; a bevel square.

Noun : (gambling) A die used for cheating, having some sides slightly rounded instead of flat.


Noun : An act of blushing; a pink or red glow on the face caused by embarrassment, shame, modesty, etc.

Noun : A glow; a flush of colour, especially pink or red.

Noun : (figuratively) Feeling or appearance of optimism.


Noun : A disorderly argument or fight, usually with a large number of people involved.

Verb : (intransitive) To engage in a brawl; to fight or quarrel.

Verb : (intransitive) To create a disturbance; to complain loudly.


Noun : Something extra that is good; an added benefit.

Noun : An extra sum given as a premium, e.g. to an employee or to a shareholder.

Noun : (video games) An addition to the player's score based on performance, e.g. for time remaining.


Adjective : Without reason or intelligence (of animals).

Adjective : Characteristic of unthinking animals; senseless, unreasoning (of humans).

Adjective : Unconnected with intelligence or thought; purely material, senseless.


Noun : A bedroom or private apartments, especially for a woman in a medieval castle.

Noun : (literary) A dwelling; a picturesque country cottage, especially one that is used as a retreat.

Noun : A shady, leafy shelter or recess in a garden or woods.


Noun : (plural "bravi") A hired soldier; an assassin; a desperado.

Noun : A shout of "bravo!"

Verb : To cheer or applaud, especially by saying bravo!


Noun : A staff or truncheon, used for various purposes.

Noun : (music) The stick of a conductor in musical performances.

Noun : (sports) An object transferred by runners in a relay race.

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