6 Letter Words That Start With S


Noun : A collection of organized things; a whole composed of relationships among its members.

Noun : (derogatory) Preceded by the word the: the mainstream culture, controlled by the elites or government of a state, or a combination of them, seen as oppressive to the individual.

Noun : (computing) A set of hardware and software operating in a computer.


Noun : (Canada, US) An institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution.

Noun : (Britain) An educational institution providing primary and secondary education, prior to tertiary education (college or university).

Noun : (UK) At Eton College, a period or session of teaching.


Verb : (transitive, sometimes with out or through) To delete or cross out; to scratch or eliminate.

Verb : (physical) To have a sharp or sudden effect.

Verb : (transitive) To hit.


Noun : An attempt to find something.

Noun : The act of searching in general.

Verb : (transitive) To look in (a place) for something.


Verb : (intransitive) To move or burst forth.

Verb : To appear.

Verb : To grow, to sprout.


Noun : The soul of a person or other creature.

Noun : A supernatural being, often but not exclusively without physical form; ghost, fairy, angel.

Noun : Enthusiasm.


Verb : (transitive) To stretch out, open out (a material etc.) so that it more fully covers a given area of space.

Verb : (transitive) To extend (individual rays, limbs etc.); to stretch out in varying or opposing directions.

Verb : (transitive) To disperse, to scatter or distribute over a given area.


Verb : To try to achieve a result; to make strenuous effort; to try earnestly and persistently.

Verb : To struggle in opposition; to be in contention or dispute; to contend; to contest.

Verb : To vie; to compete as a rival.


Adjective : Hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood.

Adjective : Barely noticeable, not obvious, indistinct.

Adjective : (of a thing) Cleverly contrived.


Noun : (geometry) A polygon with four sides of equal length and four right angles; an equilateral rectangle; a regular quadrilateral.

Noun : Something characterized by a square, or nearly square, form.

Noun : A cell in a grid.


Noun : (archaic) Race; lineage, pedigree.

Noun : (biology) A particular variety of a microbe, virus, or other organism, usually a taxonomically infraspecific one.

Noun : (figurative) Hereditary character, quality, tendency, or disposition.


Noun : Striving; earnest endeavor; hard work.

Noun : Exertion or contention for superiority, either by physical or intellectual means.

Noun : Bitter conflict, sometimes violent.


Noun : An act of hitting; a blow, a hit.

Noun : An act of striking with a weapon; a blow.

Noun : A single movement with a tool; also, an impact of a tool on an object.


Noun : A paved part of road, usually in a village or a town.

Noun : A road as above, but including the sidewalks (pavements) and buildings.

Noun : (specifically, US) The roads that run perpendicular to avenues in a grid layout.


Noun : A number of things that follow on one after the other or are connected one after the other.

Noun : (broadcasting) A television or radio program which consists of several episodes that are broadcast in regular intervals

Noun : (mathematics) The sequence of partial sums ∑ᵢ₌₁ⁿa_i of a given sequence aᵢ.


Noun : A person’s condition, position or standing relative to that of others.

Noun : Prestige or high standing.

Noun : A situation or state of affairs.


Noun : The person, place, or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired.

Noun : Spring; fountainhead; wellhead; any collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates.

Noun : A reporter's informant.


Noun : A small river; a large creek; a body of moving water confined by banks.

Noun : A thin connected passing of a liquid through a lighter gas (e.g. air).

Noun : Any steady flow or succession of material, such as water, air, radio signal or words.


Noun : A physical divider intended to block an area from view, or provide shelter from something dangerous.

Noun : A material woven from fine wires intended to block animals or large particles from passing while allowing gasses, liquids and finer particles to pass.

Noun : (mining, quarrying) A frame supporting a mesh of bars or wires used to classify fragments of stone by size, allowing the passage of fragments whose a diameter is smaller than the distance between the bars or wires.


Noun : A device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow.

Noun : A change or exchange.

Noun : (rail transport, US) A movable section of railroad track which allows the train to be directed down one of two destination tracks; (set of) points.


Noun : A surname from German.


Verb : Obsolete form of smite. [(archaic) To hit; to strike.]


Noun : (biology) A physical, chemical, infective agent aggressing an organism.

Noun : (biology) Aggression toward an organism resulting in a response in an attempt to restore previous conditions.

Noun : (countable, physics) The internal distribution of force across a small boundary per unit area of that boundary (pressure) within a body. It causes strain or deformation and is typically symbolised by σ or τ.


Noun : (countable) A long, thin and flexible structure made from threads twisted together.

Noun : (uncountable) Such a structure considered as a substance.

Noun : (countable) A thread.


Verb : (intransitive) To walk with long steps.

Verb : To stand with the legs wide apart; to straddle.

Verb : To pass over at a step; to step over.


Noun : The act of surveying; a general view.

Noun : A particular view; an examination, especially an official examination, of a particular group of items, in order to ascertain the condition, quantity, or quality.

Noun : The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of any part of the Earth's surface.


Noun : (rhetoric, obsolete) An artful deviation from the ordinary arrangement of words.

Noun : (astrology) A representation of the aspects of the celestial bodies for any moment or at a given event.

Noun : A systematic plan of future action.


Verb : (transitive) To provide (something), to make (something) available for use.

Verb : (transitive) To furnish or equip with.

Verb : (transitive) To fill up, or keep full.


Noun : A single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of the thread thus made.

Noun : An arrangement of stitches in sewing, or method of stitching in some particular way or style.

Noun : (countable and uncountable) An intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage, brought on by exercise or laughing.


Noun : (chiefly Ireland, Newfoundland, Scotland, dated) A piece or narrow strip cut or torn off from a larger whole; a shred.

Noun : (chiefly regional Britain, Scotland, dated) A piece of land, especially one that is narrow.

Noun : (chiefly Northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, dated) A rent, a tear.


Noun : Comfort or consolation in a time of loneliness or distress.

Noun : A source of comfort or consolation.

Verb : (transitive) To give solace to; comfort; cheer; console.


Adjective : Capable of producing great physical force.

Adjective : Capable of withstanding great physical force.

Adjective : (broadly) Possessing power, might, or strength.


Adjective : Free from attack or danger; protected.

Adjective : Free from the danger of theft; safe.

Adjective : Free from the risk of eavesdropping, interception or discovery; secret.


Adjective : Number-two; following after the first one with nothing between them. The ordinal number corresponding to the cardinal number two.

Adjective : Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity, or rank; secondary; subordinate; inferior.

Adjective : Being of the same kind as one that has preceded; another.


Verb : To conclude or resolve (something):

Verb : (transitive) To determine (something which was exposed to doubt or question); to resolve conclusively; to set or fix (a time, an order of succession, etc).

Verb : (transitive) To conclude, to cause (a dispute) to finish.


Noun : A dark image projected onto a surface where light (or other radiation) is blocked by the shade of an object.

Noun : Relative darkness, especially as caused by the interruption of light; gloom; obscurity.

Noun : An area protected by an obstacle (likened to an object blocking out sunlight).


Verb : (auxiliary) Ought to; indicating opinion, advice, or instruction, about what is required or desirable.

Verb : Used to issue an instruction (traditionally seen as carrying less force of authority than alternatives such as 'shall' or 'must').

Verb : Used to give advice or opinion that an action is, or would have been, beneficial or desirable.


Noun : (uncountable) The ability to speak; the faculty of uttering words or articulate sounds and vocalizations to communicate.

Noun : (uncountable) The act of speaking, a certain style of it.

Noun : (countable) A formal session of speaking, especially a long oral message given publicly by one person.


Adjective : Uncomplicated; lacking complexity; taken by itself, with nothing added.

Adjective : Easy; not difficult.

Adjective : Without ornamentation; plain.


Noun : (uncountable) A sport played in a walled court with a soft rubber ball and bats like tennis racquets.

Noun : (UK) A soft drink made from a fruit-based concentrate diluted with water.

Noun : A place or a situation where people have limited space to move.


Noun : Any of various eight-legged, predatory arthropods, of the order Araneae, most of which spin webs to catch prey.

Noun : (Internet) A program which follows links on the World Wide Web in order to gather information.

Noun : (chiefly Australia and New Zealand) A float (drink) made by mixing ice-cream and a soda or fizzy drink (such as lemonade).


Noun : The shore or beach of the sea or ocean.

Noun : (poetic, archaic or regional) The shore or beach of a lake or river.

Noun : A small brook or rivulet.


Noun : (now historical) A town containing merchants who have exclusive right, under royal authority, to purchase or produce certain goods for export; also, the body of such merchants seen as a group.

Noun : (by extension) Place of supply; source.

Noun : The principal commodity produced in a town or region.


Noun : A set of rules that govern how words are combined to form phrases and sentences.

Noun : (computing, countable) The formal rules of formulating the statements of a computer language.

Noun : (linguistics) The study of the structure of phrases, sentences, and language.


Noun : (countable) A piece of knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept hidden.

Noun : The key or principle by which something is made clear; the knack.

Noun : Something not understood or known.


Verb : (transitive) To cause to become smaller.

Verb : (intransitive) To become smaller; to contract.

Verb : (intransitive) To cower or flinch.


Verb : (intransitive) To yield or give way to another.

Verb : (transitive) To yield (something) to another, as when defeated.

Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To enter or put forward for approval, consideration, marking etc.


Adjective : Very bad or intense.

Adjective : Strict or harsh.

Adjective : Sober, plain in appearance, austere.


Noun : The skin shed by a snake or other reptile.

Noun : Dead skin on a sore or ulcer.

Verb : (transitive) To shed skin or outer layers.


Adjective : Showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters.

Adjective : Artful, tricky or cunning.

Adjective : (informal) streetwise, street-smart.


Noun : A mark of infamy or disgrace.

Noun : Discriminatory attitudes.

Noun : A scar or birthmark.


Adjective : Having a texture that lacks friction. Not rough.

Adjective : Without difficulty, problems, or unexpected consequences or incidents.

Adjective : Bland; glib.


Noun : (countable, obsolete) A writing; a written document.

Noun : Written characters; style of writing.

Noun : (typography) Type made in imitation of handwriting.



Adjective : Wild; not cultivated or tamed.

Adjective : Barbaric; not civilized.

Adjective : Primitive; lacking complexity or sophistication.


Adjective : Being extroverted or outgoing.

Adjective : Of or relating to society.

Adjective : (Internet) Relating to social media or social networks.


Noun : A sequence of states representing an encoded message in a communication channel.

Noun : Any variation of a quantity or change in an entity over time that conveys information upon detection.

Noun : A sign made to give notice of some occurrence, command, or danger, or to indicate the start of a concerted action.


Adjective : Without intelligence.

Adjective : (of animates) Lacking in intelligence.

Adjective : Exhibiting the quality of having been done by someone lacking in intelligence.


Adjective : Lying on its back.

Adjective : (of the hand, forearm or foot) Turned facing toward the body or upward: with the thumb outward (palm up), or with the big toe raised relative to the little toe.

Adjective : (figuratively) Reluctant to take action due to indifference or moral weakness; apathetic or passive towards something.


Adjective : Firm in standing or position; not tottering or shaking; fixed; firm.

Adjective : Constant in feeling, purpose, or pursuit; not fickle, changeable, or wavering; not easily moved or persuaded to alter a purpose; resolute.

Adjective : Smooth and not bumpy or with obstructions.


Noun : Each of the four divisions of a year: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter

Noun : A part of a year when something particular happens.

Noun : A period of the year in which a place is most busy or frequented for business, amusement, etc.


Noun : An irregular line left from smearing or motion.

Noun : A continuous series of like events.

Noun : A consistent facet of somebody's personality.


Adjective : (informal, often humorous) Snide and sarcastic; usually out of irritation.

Adjective : (obsolete) Irritable, irritated.


Noun : An artist’s or photographer’s workshop or the room in which an artist works.

Noun : An establishment where an art is taught.

Noun : A place where radio or television programs, records or films are made.


Noun : A person of learning, especially one who is versed in literature or science.

Noun : A person who is considered eminent because of their achievements.

Noun : A person with significant mental disabilities who is very gifted in one area of activity, such as playing the piano or mental arithmetic.


Noun : One of several species of fish, typically of the Salmoninae subfamily, brownish above with silvery sides and delicate pinkish-orange flesh; they ascend rivers to spawn.

Noun : A meal or dish made from this fish.

Noun : (plural salmons) A pale pinkish-orange colour, the colour of cooked salmon.


Adjective : (religion, specifically Christianity) Of or pertaining to religious ceremonies and rites; (generally) religious in nature; sacred.

Adjective : (by extension)

Adjective : Characterized by or performed with appropriate or great ceremony or formality.


Adjective : Characterized by solemn religious ceremony or religious use, especially, in a positive sense; consecrated, made holy.

Adjective : Religious; relating to religion, or to the services of religion; not secular

Adjective : Spiritual; concerned with metaphysics.


Noun : The manner, pose, or posture in which one stands.

Noun : One's opinion or point of view.

Noun : A place to stand; a position, a site, a station.


Noun : (uncountable) A literary device of writing or art which principally ridicules its subject often as an intended means of provoking or preventing change or highlighting a shortcoming in the work of another. Imitation, humor, irony, and exaggeration are often used to aid this.

Noun : (countable) A satirical work.

Noun : (uncountable, dated) Severity of remark.


Adjective : Distasteful, ignoble, vile, or contemptible.

Adjective : Dirty or squalid.

Adjective : Morally degrading.


Verb : (transitive, intransitive) To draw (an object, especially a sharp or angular one), along (something) while exerting pressure.

Verb : (transitive) To remove (something) by drawing an object along in this manner.

Verb : (transitive) To injure or damage by rubbing across a surface.


Noun : A character or glyph representing an idea, concept or object.

Noun : A thing considered the embodiment or cardinal exemplar of a concept, theme, or other thing.

Noun : (linguistics) A type of noun whereby the form refers to the same entity independently of the context; a symbol arbitrarily denotes a referent. See also icon and index.


Adjective : Calm, peaceful, unruffled.

Adjective : Without worry or anxiety; unaffected by disturbance.

Adjective : (archaic) Fair and unclouded (as of the sky); clear; unobscured.


Noun : That which clothes, covers, conceals, or protects; a garment.

Noun : Especially, the dress for the dead; a winding sheet.

Noun : That which covers or shelters like a shroud.


Adjective : Unchanging; that cannot or does not change.

Adjective : Making no progress; stalled, without movement or advancement.

Adjective : Immobile; fixed in place; having no motion.


Noun : The topmost point or surface of a thing; the apex, the peak.

Noun : The highest point of a hill, mountain, or similar geographical feature.

Noun : (mathematics) A vertex of a polygon or polyhedron.


Adjective : Small.

Adjective : Gentle or weak, not aggressive or powerful.

Adjective : Not thorough; superficial.


Noun : (uncountable) A lustrous, white, metallic element, atomic number 47, atomic weight 107.87, symbol Ag.

Noun : (collectively) Coins made from silver or any similar white metal.

Noun : (collectively) Cutlery and other eating utensils, whether silver or made from some other white metal.


Noun : A building, wing or dependency set apart and adapted for lodging and feeding (and training) ungulates, especially horses.

Noun : (metonymically) All the racehorses of a particular stable, i.e. belonging to a given owner.

Noun : (Scotland) A set of advocates; a barristers' chambers.


Noun : Anything that protects or defends; defense; shelter; protection.

Noun : A broad piece of defensive armor, held in hand, formerly in general use in war, for the protection of the body.

Noun : (figurative) One who protects or defends.


Adjective : Uncommon, rare; difficult to find; insufficient to meet a demand.

Adjective : Scantily supplied (with); deficient (in); used with of.

Verb : (archaic, literary) Scarcely, only just.


Noun : The condition or feeling of being safe; security; certainty.

Noun : (mechanics) A mechanism on a weapon or dangerous equipment designed to prevent accidental firing.

Noun : (American football) An instance of a player being sacked or tackled in the end zone, or stepping out of the end zone and off the field, resulting in two points to the opposite team.


Verb : (intransitive) To undergo hardship.

Verb : (intransitive) To feel pain.

Verb : (intransitive) To become worse.


Noun : A figure of speech in which one thing is explicitly compared to another, using e.g. like or as.


Adjective : (archaic) Narrow; restricted as to space or room; close.

Adjective : (archaic) Righteous, strict.

Adjective : (obsolete) Tight; close; tight-fitting.


Adjective : Having a brooding ill temper; sulky.

Adjective : Gloomy; dismal; foreboding.

Adjective : Sluggish; slow.


Noun : A brief fall of precipitation (spell of rain, or a similar fall of snow, sleet, or cascade).

Noun : A device for bathing by which water is made to fall on the body from a height, either from a tank or by the action of a pump.

Noun : An instance of using of this device in order to bathe oneself.


Verb : (transitive, also figuratively) To make (an animal or person) unconscious or cause (an animal or person) death by preventing breathing; to smother, to suffocate.

Verb : (transitive, hyperbolic) To cause (someone) difficulty in breathing, or a choking or gagging feeling.

Verb : (transitive, also figuratively) To prevent (a breath, cough, or cry, or the voice, etc.) from being released from the throat.


Noun : A motorised vehicle for one person, ridden while standing, and having two wheels on one axle that balances itself using gyroscopes and tilt sensors.

Verb : To travel by Segway.

Verb : Alternative letter-case form of Segway [To travel by Segway.]


Noun : (mathematics) A regular three-dimensional object in which every cross-section is a circle; the figure described by the revolution of a circle about its diameter .

Noun : A spherical physical object; a globe or ball.

Noun : (astronomy, now rare) The celestial sphere: the edge of the heavens, imagined as a hollow globe within which celestial bodies appear to be embedded.


Adjective : being searched fo

Adjective : that is looked fo


Noun : (onomatopoeia) The sound made by an object hitting a liquid.

Noun : A small amount of liquid.

Noun : A small amount (of color).


Noun : A part or snippet of something taken or presented for inspection, or shown as evidence of the quality of the whole; a specimen.

Noun : (statistics) A subset of a population selected for measurement, observation or questioning, to provide statistical information about the population.

Noun : (cooking) A small quantity of food for tasting, typically given away for free.


Adjective : Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; dully or heavily stupid.


Noun : (dated) The events, collectively, which follow a previously mentioned event; the aftermath.

Noun : (narratology) A narrative that is written after another narrative set in the same universe, especially a narrative that is chronologically set after its predecessors, or (perhaps improper usage) any narrative that has a preceding narrative of its own.

Noun : (mathematics) The remainder of the text; what follows. Used exclusively in the set phrase "in the sequel".


Adjective : More than one or two but not very many; a number of, several.

Adjective : Of various types, especially when numerous; diverse, varied.

Adjective : Consisting of an assortment of different kinds; miscellaneous.


Noun : (pathology) A slackening or arrest of the blood current, due not to a lessening of the heart’s beat, but to some abnormal resistance of the capillary walls.

Noun : (figurative) Inactivity; a freezing, or state of motionlessness.

Noun : (science fiction) A technology allowing something to be artificially frozen in time, so that it does not age or change.


Noun : (grammar, linguistic morphology) A morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning.

Noun : (mathematics) A subscript.

Noun : (computing) A final segment of a string of characters.


Noun : One of four seasons, traditionally the second, marked by the longest and typically hottest days of the year due to the inclination of the Earth and thermal lag. Typically regarded as being from June 21 to September 22 or 23 in parts of the USA, the months of June, July and August in the United Kingdom and the months of December, January and February in the Southern Hemisphere.

Noun : (poetic or humorous) year; used to give the age of a person, usually a young one.

Noun : (figuratively) Most flourishing, happy, or beautiful period; golden age, prime.

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