5 Letter Words That Start With SO


Adjective : Healthy.

Adjective : Complete, solid, or secure.

Adjective : (mathematics, logic) Having the property of soundness.


Adjective : (of an object or substance) That can be picked up or held, having a texture, and usually firm. Unlike a liquid, gas or plasma.

Adjective : Large in size, quantity, or value.

Adjective : Lacking holes, hollows or admixtures of other materials.



Adjective : Not drunk; not intoxicated.

Adjective : Not under the influence of any recreational drug.

Adjective : Not given to excessive drinking of alcohol.


Adjective : (of a person) Regretful or apologetic for one's actions.

Adjective : (of a person) Grieved or saddened, especially by the loss of something or someone.

Adjective : Poor, pitifully sad or regrettable.


Noun : One of the four principal compass points, specifically 180° (being directed towards the South Pole); conventionally downwards on a map.

Noun : The southern region or area; the inhabitants thereof.

Noun : (ecclesiastical) In a church: the direction to the right-hand side of a person facing the altar.


Adjective : Of or pertaining to the sun; proceeding from the sun

Adjective : (astrology, obsolete) Born under the predominant influence of the sun.

Adjective : Measured by the progress or revolution of the sun in the ecliptic; as, the solar year.


Verb : To find an answer or solution to a problem or question; to work out.

Verb : to find out the perpetrator, the motive etc (of crime)

Verb : (mathematics) To find the values of variables that satisfy a system of equations and/or inequalities.


Adjective : Of or relating to sound.

Adjective : Having a speed approaching that of the speed of sound in air.


Noun : (nautical) echolocation

Noun : (nautical) A device that uses hydrophones (in the same manner as radar) to locate objects underwater.

Noun : Acronym of sound navigation and ranging.


Noun : Something kept or steeped in brine.

Noun : The pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine.

Noun : (US, Appalachia) Pickled scrapple.


Noun : (archaic) Truth.

Noun : (obsolete) Augury; prognostication.

Noun : (obsolete) Blandishment; cajolery.


Adjective : Soaked with moisture or other liquid.


Noun : A popular name for a cat that is mainly black but has white paws.


Verb : To make a soft rustling or murmuring sound.

Noun : A murmuring sound; rushing, rustling, or whistling sound.

Noun : A gentle breeze; a waft; a breath.


Noun : A wise legislator or lawgiver.

Noun : Any legislator.

Noun : An ancient Athenian statesman and lawgiver, one of the Seven Sages (c.630-c.560 BC).


Noun : A general type.

Noun : Manner; form of being or acting.

Noun : (obsolete) Condition above the vulgar; rank.


Adjective : alone, unaccompanied (as a stage direction)


Noun : A young buck (deer) in the third year.

Noun : A yellowish or reddish brown color; sorrel.

Noun : A surname from French.


Noun : (biblical, Quranic) A city in the Middle East which, according to the Bible and Islamic tradition, but not specifically named in the Qur'an, was destroyed by God (along with Gomorrah) for the sins of its inhabitants.

Noun : (Oxford University slang, obsolete) Wadham College, Oxford.

Noun : A city or place full of sin and vice.


Noun : (medicine) An unnaturally deep sleep.


Adjective : Very wet; sodden, soaked.

Adjective : (figurative) Overly sentimental, maudlin, schmaltzy.

so far

Verb : (idiomatic) Until now; previously; yet.

Verb : (idiomatic) A limited distance, literal or metaphorical.


Noun : The capital city of Bulgaria.

Noun : A female given name from Ancient Greek

Noun : A river, and surrounding region of Madagascar


Noun : (architecture) A low plinth or pedestal used to display a statue or other artwork.

Noun : (architecture) A plain face or plinth at the foot of a wall.

Noun : (algebra, ring theory) The sum of the minimal normal submodules of a given R-module of a given ring R.


Noun : A surname from Portuguese.


Noun : (medicine) Probe; sound.

Noun : (physical sciences) Any of various devices for testing physical conditions, often for remote or underwater locations.

Noun : A Bantu language


Noun : A commune of Veneto, Italy.

Noun : A dry white wine made in that region from grape varieties that include the Garganega.

Noun : A surname from Italian.


Noun : the second album by singer-songwriter Regina Spektor.

Noun : Songs the ninth studio album by American R&B/soul singer-songwriter Luther Vandross.

Noun : a compilation of well-known songs by American singer-songwriter Rich Mullins, released on July 30, 1996.


Noun : solan goose

Noun : A surname.


Noun : (dated) A familiar form of address for a boy.

Noun : (colloquial, dated, derogatory) Form of address to a boy or man, to express contempt, warning etc.

Noun : A nickname for a male child.


Adjective : Of, relating to, or producing soot.

Adjective : Soiled with soot

Adjective : Of the color of soot.


Noun : Abbreviation of synchronous optical networking.


Noun : One of the départements of Picardy, now Hauts-de-France, France. Capital: Amiens.

Noun : A river in northern France.

Noun : (history, with The) A major battle of the First World War in 1916 in this area.


Noun : Within a soil profile, a set of related soil horizons that share the same cycle of pedogenic processes.

Noun : The upper layers of a soil profile that are affected by climate.

Noun : A surname.


Noun : A surname.


Adjective : (informal) Neither good nor bad; tolerable, passable, indifferent.

Verb : (informal) Neither very well nor very poorly.


Noun : (informal) At an institute of education, a class where sociology is taught.

Noun : (informal) The discipline of sociology.


Adjective : Resembling soup; creamy.

Adjective : Extravagantly sentimental; slushy.


Adjective : Causing pain or discomfort; painfully sensitive.

Adjective : Sensitive; tender; easily pained, grieved, or vexed; very susceptible of irritation.

Adjective : Dire; distressing.


Noun : An English surname.

Noun : Alternative form of soddie [(US, Canada, informal) A house constructed from blocks of sod, once common in the prairies of the United States and Canada.]


Noun : A surname.

Noun : A census-designated place in Texas.


Noun : Alternative form of sol-fa [a method of sight singing music that uses the syllables do (originally ut), re, mi, fa, sol (or so), la, and si (or ti) to represent the pitches of the scale, most commonly the major scale. The fixed-do system uses do for C, and the movable-do system uses do for whatever key the melody uses (thus B is do if the piece is in the key of B).]

Verb : Alternative form of sol-fa [To sing a sol-fa]


Noun : One who or that which sows.

Adjective : Archaic form of sour. [Having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste.]


Adjective : Literal senses:

Adjective : Resembling soap.

Adjective : Full of soap.


Noun : (informal) A weak or sentimental person.

Noun : (informal) Somebody who finds it difficult to scold or punish.

Noun : (computing, slang) A software expert who is ignorant of the workings of hardware.


Noun : Any of a series of Soviet, later Russian spacecraft.

Noun : Any of a series of Soviet/Russian space capsules

Noun : Any of a series of Soviet/Russian space launch rockets


Noun : (historical) An Italian coin, formerly one-twentieth of a lira.


Noun : (music)

Noun : In a movable-do or tonic sol-fa system: the fifth step in a scale, preceded by fa and followed by la.

Noun : In a fixed-do system: the musical note G.


Verb : Obsolete form of souse. [(transitive) To immerse in liquid; to steep or drench.]

Noun : Obsolete form of souse. [Something kept or steeped in brine.]



Noun : A female given name from Russian (the usual UK spelling of the name which is spelled Sonya in the US).

Noun : (finance) Acronym of Sterling Overnight Index Average.




Noun : (religion, folklore) The spirit or essence of a person usually thought to consist of one's thoughts and personality, often believed to live on after the person's death.

Noun : The spirit or essence of anything.

Noun : Life, energy, vigor.


Noun : (mycology, lichenology) Any reproductive structure, in some lichens and fungi, that produces spores.

Noun : (botany) A cluster of sporangia on the edge or underside of a fern frond.


Noun : A group of closely related Bantu lects spoken in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Zambia.

Noun : (specifically) Sesotho (“the language”) (Southern Sotho).

Noun : A Mosotho (“person”); a member of the Basotho (“people”).


Noun : A surname.

Verb : Ellipsis of sotto voce. [(of speech, of a voice, etc) Quietly.]

Adjective : Ellipsis of sotto voce. [(of speech, of a voice, etc) In soft tones; quiet.]


Noun : A diminutive of the female given name Sophia.

Noun : (obsolete) wisdom, knowledge, learning

Noun : (obsolete) A wise man; a sage or wite.


Adjective : Pronunciation spelling of sorry. (mimicking an Asian accent) [(of a person) Regretful or apologetic for one's actions.]


Verb : (informal) Contraction of sort of. [(idiomatic, colloquial) Approximately; in a way; partially; not quite; somewhat.]


Adjective : Of, relating to, or containing sodium.


Adjective : (in combination) Having a specified kind of sole.


Noun : A surname.


Noun : Sonos, Inc. is an American developer and manufacturer of audio products best known for its multi-room audio products.

Noun : SONOS, short for "silicon–oxide–nitride–oxide–silicon", more precisely, "polycrystalline silicon"—"silicon dioxide"—"silicon nitride"—"silicon dioxide"—"silicon",


Noun : A female pig.

Noun : A female bear, she-bear.

Noun : A female guinea pig.


Noun : The southern portion of the state of California, which can include Santa Barbara and is generally separated from Norcal by the Tehachapi mountain range.

Noun : (informal) The South Coast region of California.

Noun : Alternative form of Socal [The southern portion of the state of California, which can include Santa Barbara and is generally separated from Norcal by the Tehachapi mountain range.]


Noun : (medicine) A cradle, as for a broken limb.

Noun : (zoology) Any marine bivalve mollusk belonging to Solen; a razor clam.

Noun : A city and village in North Dakota.


Noun : (dated) sorghum


Noun : A surname.


Noun : A surname.

Noun : A Czech gymnastic society, once associated with Czech nationalism; a branch or member of this organisation.




Noun : (historical) The ancient right (usually conferred by royalty) to hold a local court of justice and levy specific fees and fines.

Noun : The 'resort' (right) of specific farmers to have their grain ground at a specific mill or, inversely, the right of a mill to that custom.

Noun : A right of prosecution and judgement.



Noun : Any of several species of North American desert plants of the genus Dasylirion, of the asparagus family.

Noun : A distilled spirit made from the sap of some of these plants, especially Dasylirion wheeleri.


Noun : A surname.

Noun : One of the traditional provinces of France, whose capital was Mauléon-Licharre.

Noun : Obsolete spelling of soul. [(religion, folklore) The spirit or essence of a person usually thought to consist of one's thoughts and personality, often believed to live on after the person's death.]


Adjective : Soaking wet; sopping; saturated.

Adjective : (colloquial) Characterised by soaking; involving a soak.


Verb : (intransitive) To fly high with little effort, like a bird.

Verb : To mount upward on wings, or as on wings, especially by gliding while employing rising air currents.

Verb : To remain aloft by means of a glider or other unpowered aircraft.


Noun : A system for determining the position of vessels lost at sea by means of explosive sounds.

Noun : Alternative form of sofar [A system for determining the position of vessels lost at sea by means of explosive sounds.]


Adjective : Causing pain or discomfort; painfully sensitive.

Adjective : Sensitive; tender; easily pained, grieved, or vexed; very susceptible of irritation.

Adjective : Dire; distressing.


Noun : Obsolete form of souse. [Something kept or steeped in brine.]

Verb : Obsolete spelling of souse [(transitive) To immerse in liquid; to steep or drench.]


Adjective : (UK, Scotland, dialect) lucky; fortunate; thriving; plump


Noun : (music) A piece of music for one performer.

Noun : A job or performance done by one person alone.

Noun : (games) A card game similar to whist in which each player plays against the others in turn without a partner


Noun : One who fits the soles to shoes.

Noun : (archaic) A loft or garret.

Noun : A surname.


Noun : A surname

Noun : A surname from Norwegian

Noun : A surname from Spanish


Noun : (Middle East architecture, archaic) A raised area of a building's floor, usually covered with carpeting, used for sitting.

Noun : (furniture, chiefly UK, India) An upholstered seat with a raised back and one or two raised ends, long enough to comfortably accommodate two or more people.

Verb : To furnish with one or more sofas.


Noun : A broad, flat muscle that extends behind the gastrocnemius along the back of the calf.




Noun : A surname.

Noun : Alternative form of sobole


Noun : A surname.

Noun : Obsolete spelling of son [One's male offspring.]

Noun : Obsolete spelling of sun [The star that the Earth revolves around and from which it receives light and warmth.]


Noun : (historical, India) A soldier on horseback, especially one during the British Raj.


Adjective : (UK, dialect) wet



Noun : Obsolete form of souse. [Something kept or steeped in brine.]

Verb : Obsolete form of souse. [(transitive) To immerse in liquid; to steep or drench.]



Adjective : (US, slang) Superb, excellent, stunning.


Noun : A town and village therein, in Wayne County, New York, United States.

Noun : A township in Berrien County, Michigan, United States.

Noun : A township in Lyon County, Minnesota, United States.


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